- 详情
- 2021-04-28
- 简介
- 625KB
- 页数 4P
- 阅读 82
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The montmorillonite content was as high as 42% for the coal gangue in Inner Mongolia Dayan Coal Co., so it was difficult to manufacture brick with this coal gangue. The production technology was reconstructed in order to resolve these difficulties. The reconstruction included materials mixing, improving raw materials fineness, extending ageing period, reducing forming resistance,increasing extrusion stress, low temperature drying and long period firing, etc. After the reconstruction, the production ability and qualified products were also improved.
高含量蒙脱石煤矸石制砖工艺的研究及实施 625KB
高含量蒙脱石煤矸石制砖工艺 353KB
煤矸石制砖余热发电研究 37KB
煤矸石制砖原料破碎粒度的技术要求 153KB
煤矸石制砖企业安全管理 54KB
新矿集团煤矸石制砖项目获国债支持 158KB
一条煤矸石制砖生产线在徐州投产 17KB
新汶矿业集团煤矸石制砖项目获国债支持 47KB
利用煤矸石生产烧结砖的工艺研究 163KB
超热焙烧煤矸石制砖余热发电的可行性研究 364KB