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- 2020-12-27
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- 页数 1P
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With the civil construction industry continues to develop,not only for the construction of load-bearing concrete structure,and construction unit also works directly use it as a building material for interior and exterior finishes,to show the architect's creative artistic expression of mood and concreteforce;because the effect of water in the form removal concrete finishes before a superior unknown,the construction does not allow failure,so even the rich experience and then,when engineers in form removal will have uneasy feelings.The quality of concrete placement is directly related to building quality and safety.Therefore,the whole process of concrete construction of the technical requirements clarity,helps to ensure project quality.To ensure the overall level of industrial and civil buildings.
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工业与民用建筑中的混凝土浇筑施工的技术探讨 1.1MB
民用建筑中的混凝土浇筑施工的技术措施 124KB
民用建筑中的混凝土浇筑施工的技术措施 106KB
建筑混凝土浇筑施工技术探讨 1.2MB
探讨地下室混凝土浇筑施工技术 742KB
混凝土浇筑施工技术讲解(节点详图) 140KB