首页 > 工程造价 >造价学术 >造价其他资料 > 全断面泥浆式盾构在香港填海地区顶管施工中的应用


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  • 详情
  • 2021-03-23
  • 简介
  • pdf
  • 412KB
  • 页数 5P
  • 阅读 62
Pipe jacking has become a popular method in drainage construction in Hong Kong. However, the varied ground conditions encountered in reclaimed land may pose severe problems to pipe jacking operation. This paper presents the experience of using the full face slurry shield for pipe jacking in a reclaimed area. The study shows that the full face slurry shield with a rock cutting head performs satisfactorily. To ensure the machine can work effectively in all ground conditions, other factors need to be considered including the rock cutting head being worn away, the hitting of under ground structures, the sustainability of jacked pipes alignment, the associated ground settlement and the damage to the jacked pipes caused by the jacking pressure.

