首页 > 工程造价 >造价学术 >造价其他资料 > 湖南省社会林业工程区域评价指标体系研究


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  • 2021-04-26
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  • pdf
  • 774KB
  • 页数 6P
  • 阅读 91
  • 下载 20
Centred around 371 indexes including natural environment,human activities,condition of society,economic situation,forest resources,forestry organizations,technology,management and administration,we have investigated 105 counties(cities,districts) in Hunan Province. Eighty three counties out of them were designated for our research objects. For each county,we selected 28 indexes which had directly bearing on our social forestry project such as natural environment,social economy,forest resources.Then through Cluster Analysis and Factor Analysis,we used a social science statistical analysis software(SPSS) to analyze the impact of natural,environmental,social,economical and forest resources’ factors on community forestry activities.Based on such work,we have established a set of indexes system for Hunan provincial social forestry project’s regional evaluation.According to the cluster analysis results and the current situation of the project implementation,Hunan provincial social forestry project could be divided into five types,the results will provide a scientific basis for Hunan provincial social forestry project’s implementation.

