- 详情
- 2021-04-26
- 简介
- 182KB
- 页数 1P
- 阅读 75
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The River Rhine situated in the middle of central Europe is a striking example for the diverging concerns of natural wetland schemes and human uses. The River Rhine basin covers an area of 190 000 km2 and is settled by 50 million people, living in nine different countries. Only in the 19th century the natural moving water courses of the River Rhine were fixed in a singular riverbed allowing the human utilization of the flood prone areas by agriculture, settlement and infrastructure.
莱茵河流域防洪规划——发展及其实施(论文摘编)(英文) 182KB
关于海河流域防洪规划的思考 229KB
莱茵河流域的防洪措施与管理 159KB
淮河流域防洪规划要有新的突破 128KB
珠江流域防洪规划 (2) 51KB
岚漪河流域防洪水文分析计算 120KB
长江流域防洪规划政策法规研究 355KB
长江流域防洪规划经济效益分析 431KB
对长江流域防洪规划的认识 731KB
澧水流域防洪规划与皂市工程的防洪作用 1.0MB