- 详情
- 2021-04-26
- 简介
- 1.1MB
- 页数 7P
- 阅读 96
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The paper states the practical or immediate significance of the environmental flood control project of the urban flood control project. It also introduces some actual action, project example and the principle to be followed in the recent urban flood control project construction in Fuzhou City to build the new urban types of banks, bring up the comprehensive function of the urban banks and implement the environmental landscape construction.
福州市城市防洪工程环境景观建设 1.1MB
城市防洪工程环境影响 157KB
城市防洪工程环境影响分析 13KB
探讨城市防洪工程对环境的影响 25KB
城市防洪工程结合景观建设技术的研究与应用 11KB
浅谈城市防洪工程环境影响评价 39KB
浅谈城市防洪工程环境影响评价 502KB
长江流域城市防洪工程环境影响评价 446KB
浅析城市防洪工程环境影响评价问题 119KB
城市防洪工程环境影响评价若干问题探讨 29KB