- 详情
- 2021-04-27
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- 1.1MB
- 页数 1P
- 阅读 65
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corporate financial management is the management process of the center and soul,while the overall budget management is an important part of corporate financial management.In recent years,coal companies on the overall budget management of growing importance,increasing the effectiveness of the overall budget management of significant,but there are still many problems need to budget management,design,operation,evaluation and other sectors to regulate,toimprove the effectiveness of the overall budget management.In combination with business management,financial operations management practices on the overall budget discussion shallow.
浅谈煤炭企业全面预算管理 72KB
关于煤炭企业全面预算管理的思考 882KB
提升企业全面预算管理有效性的思考 187KB
浅谈如何提高煤炭企业全面预算管理的有效性 55KB
浅议如何有效提升企业全面预算管理水平 150KB
浅谈煤炭企业全面预算管理的基础建设 1.2MB
浅析我国煤炭企业全面预算管理的实践状况 144KB
浅析煤炭企业全面预算管理的内涵及实施效应 322KB
浅谈煤炭企业全面预算管理体系的构建 200KB
浅谈如何构建煤炭企业全面预算管理体制 71KB