- 详情
- 2021-04-27
- 简介
- 545KB
- 页数 4P
- 阅读 110
- 下载 25
In this paper, a technique with combination of normal temperature drying and high temperature drying technology was introduced to dry Chinese Fir plantation board, the result with more than one year's researching showed that, the lumber dimension stability after drying was best when dried in combination method, and second when dried in normal temperature kiln while the worst in airdry. Meanwhile, the result also showed that not only was dimension stability increased but also the density of fir was increased, this fact made plantation fir a excellent material in furniture and interior decoration field. So primary conclusion was got that this combining way was considered one kind of lower drying cost, simple way and effective drying methods.
人工林杉木板材高温和常温组合干燥研究 545KB
热压干燥工艺对速生杉木板材尺寸稳定性的影响 126KB
不同固含量低分子酚醛树脂浸渍改性杉木板材性能的研究 341KB
高温水供热干燥速生杉木方材 411KB
污泥常温和高温好氧消化工艺概述 33KB
什么是塑木板材? 1.3MB
人工林花旗松建筑材的干燥变形分析 536KB
柚木板材的蒸汽干燥 232KB
装饰装修之木板材 8KB
枫木板材 53KB