- 详情
- 2021-04-27
- 简介
- 773KB
- 页数 5P
- 阅读 84
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Traditional ceramics packing has the shortcomings such as low porosity, small specific surface area and high bulk density. The foam ceramics ring packing (DX-1) with 0.4 height to diameter ratio was designed according to the characteristics of foam ceramics and stainless steel packing.(DX-1) has a porosity of 92%,specific surface area of 1825 m~2·m~(-3) and bulk density of 208 kg·m~(-3).In the desorption column with diameter 200 mm, air was used to desorb oxygen-enriched water.The hydrodynamic and mass transfer performance of DX-1 was investigated.When liquid spray density(L) was more than 50 m~3·m~(-2)·h~(-1), the pressure drop of DX-1 decreased by 55%—62% and(H_(OL))_(25℃) of DX-1 decreased by 12.7%—15.5% comparing to the stainless steel Pall ring packing.The hydrodynamic and mass transfer performance of DX-1 were equal to the stainless steel Intalox saddle packing.DX-1 was superior stainless steel packing in the cost and corrosion resistance.
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