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- 2021-04-28
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- 879KB
- 页数 6P
- 阅读 92
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A stable aqueous electrolyte solution containing Cu(II) cations and (S CN) anions was prepared by adding EDTA(ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid disodiu m salt, C10H14N2O8Na2·2H2O) to chelate with Cu(II) cations. CuSCN films were el ectrodeposited on transparent ITO conducting substrates from as-prepared electro lyte solution. Deposition mechanisms of CuSCN at varied temperatures have been s tudied. The results indicate that electron quantum tunnel through CuSCN film pla ys a role and the dense thin film with nanocrystals was obtained at or below roo m temperature. However, at higher temperature, a thermally activated process was involved and a thick film was obtained. It has been calculated that the activat ion energy of the growth for crystals is 0.5 eV. XPS pattern shows that the elec trodeposited film is (SCN) in stoichiometric excess, indicating a p-type film. A s-prepared CuSCN film was with high transmittance (≥85%) in the visible optical range and the direct transition band gap was 3.7 eV.
高透光p型CuSCN薄膜的电沉积制备及机理研究 879KB
透光混凝土的制备研究[1] (2) 107KB
透光混凝土的制备研究[1] 107KB
可乐丽塑料开发出透光性高的阻燃薄膜 434KB
超薄金属纳米多孔膜透光特性研究 871KB
高透光率韧性有机玻璃共混物的制备 1.5MB
氮化硅透明陶瓷光学薄膜的制备与特性分析 307KB
常压化学气相沉积法制备Ti_5Si_3薄膜及其镀膜玻璃 773KB
ZnO薄膜的制备方法_性质和应用 455KB