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  • 2021-04-28
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  • pdf
  • 12KB
  • 页数 1P
  • 阅读 84
  • 下载 25
Radiation crosslinked polyethylene foamed roll material is a new type of hi-tech product which has perfect close cell structure, smooth surface, good bounce, high mechanical strength, good heat resistance, waterproof, age defying and chemical corrosion resistance. The products can be re-processed by combination, connection and cut- ting for a wide range of application such as construction, thermodynamics industry, vehicle and ship manufacture, special packaging, agriculture and fishing, recreation and sports. The article introduces technological process of the irradiation crosslinked polyethylene foam, Emphases are made mainly on characteristics of key technology including the formula, radiation crosslinking, and the foam furnace, a special manufacturing device for the foamed PE rolls. Comparisons are made between similar technologies in the field worldwide. Structure and principle of the foam furnace are given. Discussions are given on current situations and the prospect in China in research and development and applications of radiation crosslinked polyethylene foam.

