- 详情
- 2021-08-06
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- 457KB
- 页数 2P
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随着目前应用技术大学转型的发展,对高等工科学校材料力学课程的教学内容和方法等,提出了材料力学课程理论教学和实验教学的改革意见,并结合工程实践对力学实验教学进行了更深入的探讨,也初步指明了应用型人才培养目标下,材料力学课程新的教改方向。\nAlong with the development of the current university of applied technology transformation, the content of the teaching for material mechanics course in universities of technology and method, etc., puts forward the theory of material mechanics course teaching and experimental teaching reform, and combining the engineering practice of mechanics experiment teaching has carried on the further discussion, also pointed out the preliminary applied talents training target, the new educational reform direction of mechanics of materials course.
基于应用型人才培养的材料力学教学改革探讨 72KB
基于应用型人才培养的材料力学课程改革研究与探讨 457KB
应用型人才培养下《材料力学》课程教学改革 194KB
基于创新型人才培养的材料力学教学改革探讨 217KB
基于应用型人才培养的土力学教学改革 112KB
基于培养应用型本科人才的《材料力学》课程教学改革探讨 1.1MB
基于应用型本科人才培养理念下的“土力学实验”课程改革与实践 958KB
基于应用型人才培养的“建筑设备”课程改革 108KB