首页 > 工程造价 >造价学术 >造价其他资料 > 关于渐开线型硬质合金插齿刀的生产模型


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  • 详情
  • 2021-09-10
  • 简介
  • pdf
  • 177KB
  • 页数 未知
  • 阅读 100
  • 下载 36
0 IntroductionThe new design and manufacture model for carbide gear shaper tools have beendiscussed in[1]and[2]respectively.Because the gear shaping in the above model in ofnon-rectilinear type,the modification for the shaping can not be done in the countryfor the time being,it is necessary to consider that the gear cutting edge curve is ofrectilinear type,that is,some involute,which approximate the plane profile curve ofthe tool which is perpendicular to the axial,may be made use of to replace the cut-

