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- 2021-09-10
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- 180KB
- 页数 未知
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Based on the results of more than ten year's scientific research and practice, some key techniques for cultivating poplar veneer glued wood were summarized systematically. The results were as follows: (1)Selecting appropriate poplar clones for various cultivation zones according to their growth rate and wood quality. (2)Choosing good sites being suitable for poplar clone growing (at least SI≥18?m). (3)Adopting reasonable planting density which can produce more timbers to meet the need of plywood(the tree spacing should be more than 5?m×5?m). (4)Using correct planting methods for different soil conditions, however, large seedling with 2 year old root and 1 year old stem (seedling height>4?m)were advocated. (5)Taking effective measures to tend the stand, the most effective measure was interplanting with crops. (6)Pruning was neccessary to produce non node timber, but pruning method, pruning intensity and pruning season should be controlled properly. If the 6 measures mentioned above were carried out, the poplar forests with a high yield and high quality could be ensured. In order to provied some theoretical basis for cultivating poplar veneer glued wood, 4 optimum cultivation patterns were also established using the method of two dimensions system.
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